Look closely at a part of a living thing and what do you see? If you hold a blade of grass up against the light, you will see tiny lines running the length of the blade. Examine the tip of one of your fingers carefully. Do you see the ridges and valleys that make up your fingerprint? Place an insect under a microscope, and you see the intricate structures of its wings and the spikes and bristles that protect its body. As interesting as these close-up views might be, they're only the beginning of the story. Look closer and deeper with a more powerful microscope, and you'll see that there is a common structure that makes up every living thing --
The purpose of this website is to provide you, my students, with a multimedia approach to learning the basic information associated with cells, including types of cells and cell structure and functions. Use the menu provided to the left to access individual topics. Class notes, links to other sites, and a quiz to "pick your brain" can be found in supplemental materials. Enjoy!
This site was last updated on Saturday, November 22, 2008.